Ballet at Lunch

My chat with Michael made me see things in a completely new light. It struck me that he must have been part of something fishy, as there was no reason for me to get arrested at his place without an explanation from him. Initially, I believed he was the victim, and by extension, I was too. But learning that he actively contributed to my predicament was a real shocker. Now, I couldn't help but wonder why he was suddenly appearing in my life again. Was it another scheme to pull me into a mess I had no hand in, or was it a belated sense of guilt after 15 years? Either way, if it was guilt, it felt like it had arrived way too late – 15 years too late. I moved through the rest of the day absentmindedly, and as I did this, I was unaware that lurking around the corner was an impending catastrophe. A couple of hours after my encounter with Michael, we were all piling into dinning hall for lunch. I walked absentmindedly in the lines of fellow inmates adorned in our orange apparel. My tray h...