All Eyes on me

Don't we just hate that our eyes give everything away?
Maybe it's one of those days when something happens, and you decide to sneak one or two drops of tears OR one of those "my roommate is sleeping beside me, let me do some silent crying" nights.
Then you wake up in the morning and your eyes are puffy as fuck!!!!. It's like your eyes are screaming " oh look at me, I cried bwahahahahahahahahaha" Now everybody knows and there are so many questions. "Who break your heart?" "Dem thief your money?" " Na carry over?" " Dem thief your phone?" "Person die?" lmaoo 

So I'm going to drop a couple of home remedies to reduce after tear puffy eye.

Applying a cold compress
This will reduce blood flow to your eyes causing the swelling to go down. You can use an ice pack, wet a towel with some ice water or a frozen spoon. Just place any of these on your eyes for a couple of minutes.

Tea bags
The key components in your tea bags (Lipton, green tea) are caffeine and tannins. They are natural astringent, so they can make your skin or your body tissues tighter. Soak the tea bag in some water and refrigerate for 20 minutes then place on your eyes for 15 minutes. Using an astringent like witch hazel has the same effect.

if you have any cucumbers in the refrigerator you can use the cool cucumbers. It helps to soothe and reduce swelling of the eyes. Slice some cucumbers and place them on your eyes.

Make up
This is for when you are going out you can use a color correcting concealer to cover up your puffy eyes.


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