Party JollofπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ˜–

Nobody, absolutely nobody talks about how difficult it is to make jollof rice. It sounds like a joke right?? You copy recipes and watch YouTube videos of people making their jollof rice and you do exactly the same thing but somehow your jollof rice comes out like shit!!!

This very phenomenom happened a lot during my undergraduate years so i avoided jollof rice for a very very long time. Rice and stew became my favourite and fried rice, my best friend. I was scrolling through my timeline one day and I saw someone tweet about not knowing how to make jollof rice and you have no idea how relieved that made me feel. 

So earlier this year I made this friend let's call her "J". J cooks and bakes so she's a proπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ. Two weeks ago we talked about the whole jollof rice thing. Apparently the secret is cooking with low heat. All the ingredients and spices you probably used are great but when using very high heat, the water dries out too fast and you'll keep adding more water thereby diluting the spices.

Cooking at low heat reduces the rate at which the moisture leaves giving it more time to cook and thereby preserving the taste and flavor instead of adding lots of water. Using this method the water needs only to be a little bit above the rice, futhermore covering  it with an aluminum foil helps to seal in the steam. You can also let it burn small for that smokey flavor πŸ˜‰ 


  1. Lmaoooooo.. I'm a pro at jollof rice but I'll try this method.

  2. Lav it! Looking forward to the your next post!

  3. Nailed it, jollof rice and shakara.
    Another trick is low heat, butter on top and covering it up with a foil before using the pot's lid. Tried it the last time and wowwww.

  4. 😍😍thanks for this! Maybe i wont have to eat soggy rice anymore

  5. Nice lesson learnt will put this into practice

  6. Now I believe it. The last jollof rice my roommate made was done this way. She covered it with a nylon so she won't add more water.

    More convinced to try it. Thanks for the tip

  7. This has happened to me a lot! Haven’t attempted Jollof or any type of cooking (minus noodles) in a while though, but I just might. Try it and let us know how it goes πŸ˜†. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I guess I am a pro, because I over spice mine and cook with the Heat high so adding more just dilutes it to the perfect condition.

  9. but how them firewood cook dey achieve the trad party jollof taste without the foil and the use of steel iron, big pots?!

    1. I hope I find that out very soon because they always kill it

  10. This recipe has helped my life.. Thanks Rums!! 😊


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