
There you were, inviting me to a party after you introduced yourself as Martin Luther King Jr. and made all your silly jokes. The call was a very much welcomed and exciting end to an awful week, and I was elated by the fact that somehow you found me. I never really did ask why and how because, at that point, it didn't matter.

The party was set for Friday in the coming week. Oh! how time flies when you're excited and expecting to have a great time but that feeling was quickly replaced with anxiety concerning what I was going to wear for the said party.

As a fresher just coming to college from high school, my wardrobe was basically high school fits and ridiculous combos that I didn't initially mind. But this was a grown-up party, and I had to look the part. I needed to urgently get a dress that was going to leave a long-lasting effect in the minds of all party attendees.

Luckily, my roommate and friends were also invited to the party, and it was a general consensus that our high school wardrobes were highly insufficient for this party. So on Thursday afternoon after lectures, we went to the clothing stores in the nearby market to get new outfits for the party. After searching a couple stores, I found an orange and black dress that did wonders for my shape, and that was my chosen outfit for this occasion.

And then Friday came, the day for our first grown-up party. The earlier parts of the day flew past like a blur giving way to the evening. Then it was time to get ready and we carefully styled our hair, doing the little makeup we could at that point which was probably ridiculous but oh well at that point it worked. 

According to the rules of my off-campus apartment, no one could come in or leave after 10 pm. As we left for the party by 9pm we didn't know how the night was going to turn out and where we would end up but we went anyway.


  1. 😂That daring attitude you have as a fresher to know how far you can go and the limits you'll set for yourself. I like it!


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