What in the Dilemma 😖


We all know the struggle of getting captions for our photos all too well. It's like a real dilemma. You take the perfect photo and then you're blank.  So i am going to write a list of hilarious things I have done to get a photo caption.

1. I have gone through other people's Instagram posts to come up with a photo caption. Oh yes it's that serious and don't look at me like that, you've done it too😌

2. I have googled the type of photo that I took either by using the location or color of the dress for captions. 😭😭😭😭

3. I have gone to my playlist and listened to a couple of music to come up with a photo caption on the spot 😭😭😭

4. I have taken lines that  resonated with me or that i thought were deep from books🤦

5. I have gone with the "#NoCaption" caption when i got tired of racking my brain because "I can't come and kill myself"

6. We all have those friends that are good with captions yeah?? I usually disturb that particular friend of mine for captions 😌

Please comment with any fun or ridiculous way you've come up with a photo caption.


  1. I have done everything on your list 🤧

  2. I’ve done everything except no.2🙈

  3. Haven't done any except no.5 weirdos

  4. You'll start with whether or not I take photos....say i do captions are emojis-weird ass colorful hearts. It's not a do or die affair

    1. 😂😂😂😂 take more pictures Cinnie


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