Just the Beginning!

If memory serves me correctly, I left lunch that day with a little more than just hurting cheeks. I also left with multiple butterflies fluttering around my stomach and, quite frankly, a dizzy head. You were truly a sight for sore eyes with an amazing sense of humor.

On the trip back with my friends and roommate, I replayed the entire event of the day in my head, gushing over the funny sentences and every other little detail. It was probably one of those nights I slept with a smile plastered all over my face.

Interestingly, when I woke up the next day, I realized that I did not know your name, and we, in fact, did not even exchange numbers. It was very frustrating for me as I could not attach a name to the face in my memories and dreams.

You were on my mind for days, "the funny cute guy who I met at lunch," but as they say, all good things come to an end. Thoughts of you were eventually eroded by classes, assignments, and papers. I was, after all, a student of English literature, and Professor Bennett was critiquing the first chapters of our novels next week.

I spent hours and hours in the library just skimming through books and novels, looking desperately to get inspiration for my first chapter. After an entire week of school characterized by a lack of inspiration, no pages, and extreme disappointment, I walked back to my off-campus housing with a couple of students who lived around. I can remember standing outside the gate of my living space when I got that call.

The number ended with a triple 3, and I almost did not pick up due to sheer exhaustion and a basic presence of "who the f***k is calling me." But then I picked up, and there you were, inviting me to a party the next day.


  1. Love it! looking for to the next post!

  2. The first paragraph kept me smiling and so as the rest of the story, please drop the rest of the story!

  3. Your writing is really fascinating and captivating. I could feel the excitement and anticipation you had after that memorable lunch. The way you described the call with the triple 3s gave me a chuckle 😄Can't wait to read more about how this unfolds!

  4. So fascinating! Can't wait to find out what happens at the party, that's if you went.


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