The Night Of 2

I immediately turned around when I heard footsteps calmly  approaching from behind. I tried to make out the source of the footsteps, but the darkness and their distance masked their identity. Unfazed, I turned away, assuming it was just another participant of our gathering, taking a leisurely stroll just like I did or attempting to leave.

As the footsteps drew nearer, steadily coming up right behind me, I turned around once more, only to see you. Tall and strikingly handsome. In that moment, all the annoyance faded into the background, with a brand new sense of anxiety replacing it. I felt a shyness creep in, and I was determined not to let it show. I stood my ground and kept my head high as I watched you get closer with a straight face.

You came to a stop directly in front of me, but I immediately took a step back, not wanting you in my personal space. That closeness, it scared me. You broke the silence with a smile and a compliment, "You look very beautiful tonight."

I tilted my head and slightly nodded as I responded, "Ah, I didn't know you remembered me at all; I figured I was one of the randos you invited."

Your brows furrowed momentarily, but the frown quickly disappeared as you replied, "Well, you were all I saw tonight."

I met your eyes with a frown as I responded, "I think you saw a whole lot more than just me."

As our conversation unfolded, I continued to move backward, and you came closer toward me until I felt the solid support of a tree at my back. You went on to talk about the way the color of my dress complemented my skin and how the garden's lighting made the brown of my eyes shimmer. At that point, I didn't know that my eyes were brown, so I simply scoffed.

We slowly got into a nice rhythm of playful banter that quickly shifted from being mildly annoying to wildly entertaining. We argued, teased, and laughed at each other. I was so caught up in the fun of it all that when you asked me if I wanted to go home with you, I said "yes" without a second thought. I told you my bag was still back at the venue with my friends, and that i needed to get it and let them know that I was leaving.

I returned to the venue, picked up my bag, and told my friends that I was leaving with you.  Their surprised expressions gave way to grins because they knew I liked you. They had decided to continue their evening by attending another party, so I left with you. We left the garden, and you hailed a cab that took us to your apartment on the other side of town. If I recall correctly, the cab driver must have cast us lots of disapproving looks because we were so loud, talking and laughing. I didn't even notice when you slipped your hands into mine; you had remarkably slender and beautiful hands.

After about 20 minutes, we finally pulled up in front of your building, and it hit me all at once. I was about to spend the night at the home of a guy I barely knew. Panic immediately built up inside me, but I did my best to hide it. Your apartment was on the first floor, so after walking up those many flights of stairs and just before I could catch my breath, you opened the door. Your housemate was in the living room, immersed in a game of PES. He cast a look at me that at the time, I was certain was filled with disdain. Little did I know that we would eventually become the best of friends, even after you and I went our separate ways.

Your roommate and I exchanged no words. You asked me to make myself comfortable, so i did. You and your roommate  moved to the next room to have a conversation, while I explored your apartment. I hadn't even realized your roommate had left the apartment until you returned, taking a seat beside me. The apartment was eerily quiet, and it was just you and me, in close proximity. 

Your gaze fixed on me, made my heart race, and I couldn't help but ask what was on your mind. You replied that you wanted to ask me something. Intrigued, I encouraged you to ask, and that's when you made the request. 

You asked me to kiss you if I wanted to. Looking back, that was a very cocky and bold move, if anyone did that now, i would laugh in their face. 

I did  lean in and kiss you that night, drawing from the little i saw in movies and the practice i had with putting my thumb and index finger together. It was my first kiss, a taste of college.


  1. Wow...... nice run up to this moment. Keep it up.......

  2. I haven't forgiven him for the last episode. Why's he kissing her?

  3. Not to mention, he's a dirty liar. Which one is "you're the only one I saw"?

  4. Make that guy no break her heart 😑

  5. Lol. No be her first kiss jare 🌚😂

  6. Naughty Naughty


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